Sve u redu ko u Becu. ["Everything's fine just as it is in Vienna." -- Croatian proverb]
Welcome seeker of knowledge!
Did it begin with a dream? Or was is the dream that began it? In all the excitement I can hardly remember.
The original Permanent Mission of Joshie on the World Wide Web went live on July 10, 2002. Once inspired by the layout (if not the content) of the Paraguayian Mission to the United Nations website, the Permanent Mission of Joshie has undergone several major renovations leading to today's large and growing online community of debate and scholarship. Artists and lawyers, peacemakers and poets, diplomats and reseachers have all from time to time made the Permanent Mission of Joshie their home. Incendiary comments from literazzi through Washington, DC continue to make the Permament Mission of Joshie an oasis of reasoned commentary in an internet filled with "he said, she said" reporting and blatantly partisan interviewing.
Why? Seldom a day goes by when I don't ask myself why I devote so much energy towards heaping praise upon a website so few people visit. I suppose it's simple -- if the 20th century has shown us anything (and elsewhere, I've argued it hasn't), it's that people follow the heaping praise -- all the way to the bank. But of course, I'm not here for the quick buck. You know as well as I if I were I would take my banjo busking like everyone else.
It isn't easy to find time to blog. As you well know, the demands of city living and a Republican administration zap so much of our energy better used on push-button publishing. But now and again, we have to sit down together and reintroduce ourselves: hi there, I'm Josh, I want you to have the best of days.
So thank you, visitor, for stopping by. Please feel free to email me any comments or questions you might have.